My Photography

Below is a selection of my photography work spanning over the last 10 years, my photography has grown as my interest has changed. Secretly I love artistic & expressive photography. I studied Art at college for a short period and have a collection of paints, watercolours & pencils gathering dust in my garage. However the artist in me speaks through my photography and I’d like develop this more as my work evolves.


Landscape Photography was my first love, I had been shooting landscapes for the majority of my photography career. It was the ‘passage’ to the outdoors and enabled me to find purpose in travelling and chasing sunrise. Here is my favourite Landscape Photograph, follow the link below for more of my landscape work.


The Intimate Landscape

I like to take photographs of the landscape which showcase the intimacy of the landscape. Getting on your hands and knees and looking at the wonderful subjects around you when you look closer at the scene. It’s not always about the bigger photograph or the ‘grand vista’. Sometimes the most beautiful photograph is right beneath your feet. I would like to expand this style of my photography and showcase more of the landscape on a more personal level.

Woodland Photography

My love of Woodland Photography has always been bubbling beneath the surface and has woven it’s way through my Landscape work until recently I decided to pay it more attention. I have lost hours in my local woodland exploring the trees and capturing their shape & form. I began to see more of a story unfold and learning about the woodland has inspired me to explore ecology and learning about nature within our woodlands.

Mountain Photography

I love the mountains and have always enjoyed the buzz of waking up for sunrise and catching the first light of the day. Since having my son I haven’t been able to get to the mountains as easily so have shifted my focus to woodlands & the more intimate landscape. I am looking forward to returning soon and exploring more dazzling heights. See more of my mountain photography below.


Multiple Exposure

Multiple Exposure & ICM achieve the same outcome for me. Expression. Its a style of photograph which gives you creative control and allows your vision of a photograph to take narrative and leave an impression on the viewer. I also love the randomness of this work, it’s impossible to replicate and is very raw and random but planned all at the same time.

Intentional Camera Movement

This type of photography is a recent interest inspired by paintings, I love that you can create painterly photographs using this technique. It allows you as the photographer to turn any scene into something expressive, artistic and meaningful in your own way. My ICM work is some of my most favourite and unique photographs I have ever taken.